Pioneers/history series of early Wellington rugby identities.
Links below, in alphabetical order, as and when they are published as news stories on this website.
For updates and amendments and profile suggestions email
This series of profiles was started in 2022 and is continued in 2023 and into 2024.
Pioneers of Rugby in Wellington 058: Jimmy Tilyard and Beethoven Algar
Pioneers of Rugby in Wellington 045: Nelson Ball and Brian Killeen
Pioneers of Rugby in Wellington 042: Ed Chaney and Mick Kenny
Pioneers of Rugby in Wellington 022: Ernie Dodd and Eric Watkins
Pioneers of rugby in Wellington: 007 Tom Ellison and Davy Gage
Pioneers of Rugby in Wellington 036: Charlie Gillespie and Alexander Pringle
Pioneers of rugby in Wellington 026: Arthur Kelly and the Pro Blacks
Pioneers of Rugby in Wellington 046: Frank Kilby and Lance Johnson
Pioneers of rugby in Wellington 019: Paul Francis Kane (AKA) Markham
Pioneers of rugby in Wellington: 008 William ‘Offside’ McKenzie
Pioneers of Rugby in Wellington 059: Hugh McLean, Don Oliver and the 1930 Wellington Axemen
Pioneers of Rugby in Wellington 033: Patrick McEvedy and Arthur O’Brien
Pioneers of Rugby in Wellington 048: Dick Pelham and Jackie Ruru
Pioneers of Rugby in Wellington 066: Stan Ransom and Doug Mackay
Pioneers of Rugby in Wellington: 016 Fred Roberts and Jim Moffitt
Pioneers of Rugby in Wellington 038: Sydney and Jack Shearer
Pioneers of rugby in Wellington 024: Hector Thomson and Duncan McGregor
Pioneers of rugby in Wellington 020: Nathanial ‘Ranji’ Arthur Wilson
Pioneers of Rugby in Wellington 040: Hercules ‘Bumper’ and Alan Wright