Pioneers/history series of early Wellington rugby identities.

Links below, in alphabetical order, as and when they are published as news stories on this website.

For updates and amendments and profile suggestions email

This series of profiles was started in 2022 and is continued in 2023 and into 2024.

Pioneers of rugby in Wellington: 030 George Aitken

Pioneers of Rugby in Wellington 058: Jimmy Tilyard and Beethoven Algar

Pioneers of Rugby in Wellington 045: Nelson Ball and Brian Killeen

Pioneers of Rugby in Wellington 082: Vince Bevan

Pioneers of Rugby in Wellington 079: Dick Burke

Pioneers of Rugby in Wellington 087: Guy Bowers

Pioneers of Rugby in Wellington 034: U.P. Calcinai

Pioneers of Wellington Rugby: 003 George Campbell

Pioneers of Rugby in Wellington 042: Ed Chaney and Mick Kenny

Pioneers of Rugby in Wellington 084: Bill Clark

Pioneers of Rugby in Wellington 071: MAC Cooper

Pioneers of Rugby in Wellington 073: Ray Dalton

Pioneers of Rugby in Wellington 037: Stan Dean

Pioneers of rugby in Wellington: 015 H.H. Dawson

Pioneers of Rugby in Wellington 081: Graham Delamore

Pioneers of Rugby in Wellington 022: Ernie Dodd and Eric Watkins

Pioneers of Rugby in Wellington 089: Jackie Dougan

Pioneers of Rugby in Wellington 075: Kenneth Elliott

Pioneers of rugby in Wellington: 007 Tom Ellison and Davy Gage

Pioneers of Rugby in Wellington 047: Bill Elvy

Pioneers of rugby in Wellington: 014 G.C. Fache

Pioneers of Rugby in Wellington 085: Jim Fitzgerald

Pioneers of Rugby in Wellington 036: Charlie Gillespie and Alexander Pringle

Pioneers of Wellington Rugby: 005 J.P. Firth

Pioneers of Rugby in Wellington 056: Alf and Jack Griffiths

Pioneers of rugby in Wellington: 009 William Hardcastle

Pioneers of Rugby in Wellington: Pioneers of Rugby in Wellington: 021 Major William James Hardham, VC

Pioneers of rugby in Wellington 041: Leo Heazlewood

Pioneers of rugby in Wellington: 006 Thomas Hoar

Pioneers of rugby in Wellington 031: Ned Hughes

Pioneers of Rugby in Wellington: 013 Thomas Hunter

Pioneers of Wellington Rugby 002: Captain James Isherwood

Pioneers of rugby in Wellington 026: Arthur Kelly and the Pro Blacks

Pioneers of Rugby in Wellington 046: Frank Kilby and Lance Johnson

Pioneers of rugby in Wellington 051: Evan ‘Ted’ Jessep

Pioneers of Rugby in Wellington 039: Jack Lamason

Pioneers of Rugby in Wellington 061: Artie Lambourn

Pioneers of Rugby in Wellington 060: Herb Lilburne

Pioneers of Rugby in Wellington 086: Brian Lloyd

Pioneers of Rugby in Wellington 083: Colin Loader

Pioneers of Rugby in Wellington 043: Craig Mackenzie

Pioneers of rugby in Wellington 019: Paul Francis Kane (AKA) Markham

Pioneers of Rugby in Wellington 076: David “Tim” Mason

Pioneers of rugby in Wellington: 008 William ‘Offside’ McKenzie

Pioneers of Rugby in Wellington 059: Hugh McLean, Don Oliver and the 1930 Wellington Axemen

Pioneers of Rugby in Wellington 033: Patrick McEvedy and Arthur O’Brien

Pioneers of Rugby in Wellington 025: Vincent Meredith

Pioneers of Rugby in Wellington 090: Graham Mexted

Pioneers of Rugby in Wellington 052: Norman Millard

Pioneers of rugby in Wellington: 028 Frank Mitchinson

Pioneers of rugby in Wellington: 001 Charles Monro

Pioneers of Rugby in Wellington: 011 Alfred Newman

Pioneers of rugby in Wellington: 004 Sid Nicholls

Pioneers of Rugby in Wellington 068: The Nicholls Brothers

Pioneers of Rugby in Wellington 080: Ray O’Callaghan

Pioneers of Rugby in Wellington 077: Des O’Donnell

Pioneers of Rugby in Wellington 067: Con O’Halloran

Pioneers of Rugby in Wellington 065: Cecil Ongley

Pioneers of Rugby in Wellington 057: Bunk Pollock

Pioneers of rugby in Wellington 053: Cliff Porter

Pioneers of Rugby in Wellington 048: Dick Pelham and Jackie Ruru

Pioneers of rugby in Wellington 023: James Prendeville

Pioneers of Rugby in Wellington 066: Stan Ransom and Doug Mackay

Pioneers of Rugby in Wellington 063: William Reedy

Pioneers of Rugby in Wellington: 010 Harry Roberts

Pioneers of Rugby in Wellington: 016 Fred Roberts and Jim Moffitt

Pioneers of Rugby in Wellington 044: Charles Rushbrook

Pioneers of Rugby in Wellington: 017 The Ryan brothers

Pioneers of Rugby in Wellington 050: Joey Sadler

Pioneers of Rugby in Wellington 069: Jim Sherratt

Pioneers of rugby in Wellington 018: The Spencer brothers

Pioneers of Rugby in Wellington 038: Sydney and Jack Shearer

Pioneers of Rugby in Wellington: 088 Brian Steele

Pioneers of Rugby in Wellington 049: Kenneth Svenson

Pioneers of Rugby in Wellington 070: Jack Taylor

Pioneers of Rugby in Wellington 064: Leslie Arthur Thomas

Pioneers of Rugby in Wellington: 017 J.M. Thomson

Pioneers of rugby in Wellington 024: Hector Thomson and Duncan McGregor

Pioneers of Rugby in Wellington 055: Eric Tindill

Pioneers of rugby in Wellington: 029 Billy Wallace


Pioneers of Rugby in Wellington: 012 Mot Welch

Pioneers of Rugby in Wellington 074: Jock Wells

Pioneers of Rugby in Wellington 078: Roy White

Pioneers of rugby in Wellington 020: Nathanial ‘Ranji’ Arthur Wilson

Pioneers of Rugby in Wellington 040: Hercules ‘Bumper’ and Alan Wright